



The Microfinance and related programs has proved to be a successful venture of NeRuDO. It has helped to promote market oriented economic activities of the rural poor women making them self reliant, confidant and financially sound, thus, uplifting their general living standard. NeRuDO’s programs has contributed a lot for the empowerment of women. This has not only enabled the members – cent per cent women – to come out of the clutches of private money lenders, but has also enabled them to develop the skills of dealing with formal organizations. In the process, their self confidence has been enhanced. The vicious circle of indebtedness and dependence to other has been broken. They are now more capable to rare their children and running the family with proper knowledge of the value of education, health/sanitation and livelihood. They are now organizing themselves to make aware of these things to other, forming their own enterprises for livelihoods or forming economic units like community cooperatives. Now they have their own micro banking infrastructure through NeRuDO that serves the self employed and small businesses. Most importantly, the NeRuDO is providing them with financial security and enabling to control over their hard earned incomes.